Gülşen Güler works as a research director to examine and reimagine the relationship between data, decision-making, and power. Gülşen is also a trained social worker and has experience in youth work in the justice system where she witnessed the limitations of data collection and classification of the reporting systems. Her lived experiences in this field inspired her to develop a human-centric approach to data literacy for dismantling techno-deterministic narratives, building trust, and bringing accountability. Her work is informed by intersectionality, data feminism, situated learning, and sociotechnical imaginaries. She holds an MSc in Communication Studies and was listed as a data changemaker for her outstanding work in the field. Gülşen is also a creative, currently enrolled in an alternative art program where she is establishing her creative practice through sculpture and collage.
Hear how to pronounce my name
Ghool-shen Ghool-erh
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